Saturday, October 03, 2009

venetian buttons

i never thought you'd get to see these pix! they were taken months ago when we were in venice, but brian has taken so long to sort out his photos, making lame excuses (as always) about work - which, as we all know is a joke because he's hardly ever got any work, at least not to write home about - I mean, personally speaking, i don't call poncing about on tv talking about the adventures of stuffed bear, work! well, do you?

anyway, i've also got some photos to share from our recent trip to greece, but they are going to have to wait until i've put up some of my venice snaps, so here goes...

we went in july for brian's 60th - i know, it's amazing he's still capable of rememebring when his birthday is, isn't it? - and arrived at festival time, hence the paper lanterns hanging outside our hotel which, touchingly, brian thought were here in his honour...

normally we go to venice when it's freezing cold (don't forget those promised ear-muffs, gill) but this time we went in the summer which was lovely as there were lots of flowers alongside the canals. here i am, for example, up to my armpits in geraniums....

we also went - as you may have seen - to an every-other-year-art-festival-thingy where i found this rather comfy chair. of course, i'd absolutely no idea that there was a rather naughty picture hanging on the wall behind...

a rather less comfortable experience was my attempt at be-post sitting in our bedroom at hotel ala which was pretty eye-watering, i can tell you...

buttons on bedpost
i also hung out for a while on this extraordinary knocker on the front door of the police headquarters in saint mark's square...

which reminds me of some goats i saw in greece... you may get to see my greek photos sometime within the next five years depending how many more tv interviews brian does about teddy-bears!

images: brian sibley and david weeks © 2009 uploaded by flickr.