Thursday, July 04, 2013

doctor buttons

brian is goes into hospital tomorrow and, obviously, i'll be going along to keep an eye on him. i'm all ready with the rubber gloves...


Hippolyta said...

Wow, Buttons, how did you guess that Doctors & Nurses is one of my favourite games? I do hope you've got a white coat as well.

Hang on, though! Where have I heard of a white rabbit before ... ?

SharonM said...

I think these gloves are actually so that you can help around the flat whilst Brian is recuperating and following doctor's orders.

Arts and Crafts said...

Sorry for Brian, I hope there is nothing serious... I hate hospitals, the last time I was in a hospital (in a visit) I lost conciusness and fell... someone said "Well, after all is the best place to make sick" :/...

So Buttons, take care of Brian and don`t talk about the illness, talk about other things, happy things...

Brian Sibley said...

oh, dear... looks like i'm going to have to try and touch david and brian for a bit of extra pocket-money - or have a very unromantic holiday for one...